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Our Mission for Intellectual Property:

"Making IP an Integral Part of the Success Process"

Who We Are

NTP-IP Innovations is an Intellectual Property (IP) services firm specalizing in advanced technologies.

Because of the technical nature of patents and other forms of IP, most of our work is focused on the Engineering side of Product Development.

However, we have also assisted our clients' Marketing, Project Management, and Information Systems groups to execute additional IP business plan objectives.

Getting Things Started

We help you answer tough questions about the value of your IP up front. This includes determining whether it's even worth pursuing at all!

Our company will support your portfolio building efforts at every step along the way.

    This includes:
  • Formalizing your concept
  • Analyzing your competitors
  • Calculating potential values
  • Preparing filing materials


NTP-IP Innovations started business in late 2008 with initial project work focusing on product "hits" analysis. This data was supported by claim charts to answer infringement assertions and licensing discussions between clients' IP counsel and competitors.

After several of these "defensive" endeavors, we realized that many companies have not perfected methods to realize the competitive potential of their Intellectual Property.


All too many firms are unprotected in this area, especially smaller enterprises. To address this need, we focused on helping clients create programs to integrate their IP tasks into the product development process early in the cycle.

Our mission basically remains the same today. We guide our clients in such a way that they will experience a significant improvement in expanding marketplace control by using their IP.


Our principal, Tom Peiffer, is networked with other related services firms, and patent attorneys/agents to get the most effective combination of talent.  This often involves complex timing and is always coordinated closely with our client's project managers.

Tom’s background in Intellectual Property (IP) is extensive. It includes electronic devices & systems, multi-media applications, materials processing, communications, and software applications.

Budget Considerations

Regarding fees, our structure is reasonable and flexible. Billing rates, and/or flat fees, are determined by the type of work and negotiated in advance of each engagement.

All agreements include an agreed upon Statement Of Work (SOW). This provides a means to track progress and also for historical review purposes later on.