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Your Invention: IP Considerations

Dealing with Confusion

As an inventor, you have most likely discovered that the path to a successful patent soon becomes a tangled web of conflicting advice and $$$ not so well spent. NTP-IP Innovations knows how to address this dilemma.

We are well equipped to review your ideas on a confidential basis and realistically advise you regarding the patentability of your invention, based on prevailing conditions in your target market segment.

Initial Options

We will compare your idea to existing products being offered and outline your options going forward. These options may include diverse strategies. Examples of these:

  • Going to market without patent protection.
  • Integrating with another product to speed the development process.
  • Filing a provisional application on a fast-track to secure rights ASAP.
  • Preparing the idea for sale to an established company.


Cost Considerations

There are many cost-effective options available for inventors to secure adequate IP protection without having to give up ownership rights. We know that Return On Investment (ROI) factors, time, money, business constraints and other factors all come into play during the development phase of any invention.

Our mission is to work with you to find the best practical solution for the value. Every good idea should be given the best opportunity for success.


Make no mistake, as an innovator; you'll be up against the best in your field. If your competition is still out there today, they are going to be "market tested". It is in your own best interest to be prepared, both from a business point of view and from a legal point of view, to meet these challenges.

There is no better way to achieve your goals than to have resources available for you to consult who have already experienced much of the reality you now face. We are here to help you get over the initial "where do I start" barrier by filling in the gaps on an as-needed basis.

Don't Put It Off

If you wait too long to secure your invention, there may be little or no IP protections available. This is because many regulations cause IP protections to decline significantly once an idea leaves the lab and works its way to the market.

Please note that it doesn't cost much to bounce your concerns off us. NTP-IP Innovations does not expect compensation for an initial consultation, so don’t hesitate to contact us early in your project. If your idea is currently ready to be made public, please contact us now.

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